925 Main St, Norwalk, IA 50211
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5.0 out of 5 stars
(4 reviews)nick worby
Wow ! This school is awesome, these guys will teach your kids while allowing them to be the individuals that they are, they know schooling is not a 'one size fits all' my boy loves his school and is so happy here !!
CK Ihrig
Ilima Young
The type of school we had always dreamed of sending our kids to. One where they receive individual attention, are self-directed and able to explore their own interests, learn cooperation with their peers, and how to problem-solve. We are so happy to have our children learn the critical skills necessary to be productive members of society.
Thomas Brogan
A great school that offers a homeschool family environment, low teacher-student ratio, individualized curriculums and much more. Plus the teachers and staff are great. I highly recommended it!
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